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Leadership Podcast: Creating a Value-Driven Culture, Part 2
Thank you for joining the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast . Like what you’re learning? Share it with your friends, family, or co-workers and let’s learn to grow as leaders together! Today, we’re picking up where Craig left off in “Creating a Value-Driven Culture, Part 1.” In Episode 5, Craig...
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How Do You Handle Criticism
One of the most common questions that I’m asked by young pastors is, “How do you handle the critics?” I’ve realized that no matter what a leader does, he or she will be criticized. For example, I’ve been criticized a lot for building the church around my preaching. When I started using more...
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Prepare for Attacks
During a season of blessing, your staff and volunteers will be working overtime. Because the ministry is so exhilarating, your best people will gladly make huge sacrifices to be a part. While riding the wave of blessing, you will be: ●Hiring fast. ●Plugging new believers into signifi...
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Lazy People Don’t Need Vision to Be Lazy
Churches who decide to go multi-site often do so by adding campuses in nearby cities. Sometimes, churches will promote these new locations to their attenders as a convenience: “Now you can get to church in half the time!” Those same churches are somewhat surprised when the evangelism temperature...
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Promise and Deliver
A couple of years ago, we opened a new campus, and on launch day had three times the attendance we were expecting. As a result, we ended up behind the curve on many things: We didn't have enough LifeGroups. We recruited new volunteers on the fly. We needed more staff to fill in the gaps...
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Does the Size of Your Church Matter? (Part 1)
Why do some people go to small churches? Why do others go to large churches? This is certainly an oversimplification, but bear with me. People tend to stay at small churches because they are: 1) Needed. Each week, someone is counting on them to pass out the red attendance folders,...
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Does the Size of Your Church Matter? (Part 3)
One option for those who prefer small churches is to pray like crazy that you don’t reach new people, so your church will stay small–just the way you like it! Here are some more options: ● Start new churches. Instead of trying to bring people in, let’s send some people out. ● Start...
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Does the Size of Your Church Matter? (Part 4)
I love small businesses. I bought my only television from a local, small business. They delivered it, set it up, and called a week later to see how I liked it. Great service. I decided to get a second television so I could watch football while my kids watched whatever reality show they watch...
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The Right Questions
In the church world, you will almost always get feedback. But not all feedback is equal. Finding the right feedback is vitally important. A key to finding the right feedback is asking the right questions. Here are a few questions that won’t be very effective: ● What did you think o...
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The Timing of Feedback
Not only do you want to ask the right people the right questions, but you’ll also want to do it at the right time. I see three different times when feedback is valuable: 1) Before the event Most leaders I know look for feedback on the back end. I crave it on the front end. Each w...
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