Leadership Trainings
Improve Communication with Stage Time Drills
At Life.Church, we don’t give “announcements.” We lead people to action. Because of this philosophy, leaders at our campuses set aside time weekly to practice how they’re going to interact with attenders from the stage. We call this Stage Time Drills. A Stage Time Drill begins with a speaker doing...
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Calling or Comfort?
As pastors, it can be hard to know whether we are truly serving where God wants us or if we are just complacent with our position. We sat down with Life.Church Stillwater Campus Pastor Cody Chaloner to discuss how to live into God’s individual calling for each of us....
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Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast: How Effective Leaders Handle Criticism, Part 1
Thank you for joining the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast ! If you’re a leader in just about any field, you’re going to have people second-guessing you, tearing you down, and picking you apart. The more you succeed, the more critics you’ll have. Dealing with criticism is a part of leadership...
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Leading for the 167
There are 168 hours in a week, but your attenders will most likely only spend one of those hours in church. In this video, Life.Church Stillwater Campus Pastor Cody Chaloner explains how you can wisely invest one hour to make a difference in your attenders' 167....
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Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast: Investing Your Resources the Right Way, Part 2
Thank you for joining the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast ! In this episode, let’s talk about four common allocation mistakes leaders often make, and how we can avoid those mistakes to invest our resources the right way. 1. Static resource allocation. One way people describe insanity is “do...
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Tracking Data in Your Church
When you have the right data in your hands, your team is equipped to prayerfully make smarter ministry choices. Thanks to Church Metrics, getting a bird's eye view of what's going on in your church is easier than ever. Learn as Life.Church Tulsa Area Pastor Tome Dawson shares how you can use Churc...
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How Do You Set Goals?
Life.Church Oklahoma City Pastor Chris Beall discusses best practices for setting quality goals and keeping them throughout the year. For more information about Life.Church's tool for setting and tracking goals, visit Develop.me ....
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How Do You Keep Culture Consistent?
Hear from Chris Beall, Campus Pastor at Life.Church Oklahoma City, about intentionally building a strong culture that will stand the test of time. Find the Life.Church core values that Chris mentions here: https://open.life.church/training/97-the-code-what... After you watch the video, ask your...
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Preparing Your Heart For Easter
In this video, Pastor Chris Beall from Life.Church Oklahoma City discusses how to get ready spiritually for Easter Sunday. For more Easter trainings, graphics, messages, and more, visit our Open Network Easter page ....
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Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast: Investing Your Resources the Right Way, Part 1
Thank you for joining the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast ! In this episode, let’s talk about an important skill that doesn’t always get the attention it deserves: resource allocation. Resource allocation is investing your available resources in the present to accomplish your goals and objec...
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