Loop Show Likes You: Eternal Life - The Loop Show
The Loop Show likes you! Yes, you! This episode explores a couple of real questions sent in by real Loop Show viewers: “What does eternal life mean?” and “What happens when we die?” Yes, your Loop students certainly do have big questions. This episode does a fantastic job of answering these questions with the depth your students crave and deserve! Oh! And will Ricky and Jayme be able to wear 15 sweaters at once? You’ll have to watch to find out!
The Loop Show Loves MAIL! c/o The Loop Show, 4600 E 2nd St., Edmond, OK 73034.
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5th GradeEternityLoop6th GradeThe Loop ShowAfterlifePreteen4th GradePre-TeenEternal LifeLife After DeathLife Unto The Age