30-Second Theology
30-Second Theology

Full Video Message Available Here On Thursday, February 8, 2024

** See important legal information by clicking "Read More."**

It’s not just the biggest day in football. It’s also the biggest day for TV advertising, and there’s something we can all learn from those commercial breaks. 30-Second Theology maximizes the momentum and fun of the championship game to draw people to church who might not normally come. 

Learn more about the vision behind 30-Second Theology and how to maximize the day of the big game here

We’re so excited to be able to share this resource with you! However, because of the special nature of the 30-Second Theology message, a few additional requirements are added to our normal Open Network terms: 

This message is being distributed without profit for informational and educational purposes only, including teaching and education in line with Life.Church’s mission of reaching people for Christ. This message may contain copyright of third parties the use of which may not have been specifically authorized by the applicable copyright owner, because it is believed that such use in this message is a “fair use” as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Act. Life.Church and its representatives and affiliates disclaim any ownership in any third-party materials incorporated in this message, which are owned by their respective owners. Should you choose to use or share third-party copyrighted material without obtaining permission from the copyright owner, you assume the sole risk and responsibility relating to such use and distribution. We ask that you only show the message in a live setting, not online on your website or any social media platform. Please do not include this message in your online archive; it should only be shown live. By downloading, streaming, or distributing these resources in any way, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to these terms.

A few more notes:

• Please only show this message in a live setting, not online on your website or any social media platform.

• Please do not include this message in your online archive or make it viewable later in the year; it should only be shown live.