Light in the Dark - Switch
Light in the Dark - Switch

Over the 2 weeks of this series, we will be looking at the Easter story. The story of Easter is a story of impossibilities. Impossible events centered on an impossible person. That person is Jesus. A man whose story starts with a womb that should have been empty and ends with a tomb that should have been full. Because He was no ordinary man. He was God in the flesh. And on a Friday that later generations would call “Good,” God died on a Roman cross in the most brutal and humiliating fashion. And if that’s where the story ended, then, Jesus could have been written off and forgotten. But, on the third day, Jesus rose to life. He put death to death. He defeated sin, darkness, and the devil. He walked out of His own grave victorious, leaving His enemies lying in the dust. Why? So that all of humanity, a people infected by sin, could be rescued from our terminal disease and reunited with God. This is why we celebrate Easter. On Friday, God tasted death, but on Sunday, death was the only one still in the grave.

Part 1 | Creation to Crucifixion

Part 2 | Resurrection

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