Did God Create Evil? - Konnect HQ, Standalone Episode
Did God Create Evil? - Konnect HQ, Standalone Episode

This Standalone Episode of Konnect HQ is part of a larger 2-year curriculum. To view the entire curriculum package, go to the Konnect HQ page!

God created a beautiful world and said, “It is good.” Let’s care for His creation and create alongside Him!

God is the Creator, the author of life. Everything He creates is good and is for the good of others. God calls us to care for His beautiful creation and to be co-creators with Him, using and developing the innate creativity we are born with as His image-bearers to make and create for the good of others and the world around us. As humans, we come up with a lot of great new things and creative ideas. But, sadly, because of sin, our world is infected with death. Humans can make poor judgements when they are not submitted to God’s definition of what is good, creating things that don’t bring life as God intended, but instead, bring harm. There is hope in God’s plan to bring salvation and new life to us when we choose to follow Jesus and in the creation of a new Heaven and a new Earth where there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain.

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