Love. It’s a word that shows up in a lot of different places. Movies, music,
books, social media posts, diary entries, FaceTime calls with grandparents, etc. Love is a big
part of everyday life. And love is a really big part of the Biblical story. When God describes
Himself to the nation of Israel He says, “The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious
God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness...” Jesus summarizes the entire
message of the Jewish Bible with two commands: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And
the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” And then, John, one of Jesus’ disciples,
makes the revolutionary claim that “God is love.” Love is a big deal. But, there’s a problem. In
our modern world, love has pretty much completely lost its meaning. Our understanding of love
is distorted and our practice of love is disordered. That’s why, in this series, we are going to walk
through one of the greatest examinations of love that has ever been written. As we do, our eyes
will be opened to the truth of what it means to be loved by God and how we can share that love
with others.
Week 1: A Family For All
Week 2: Confession And Cleansing (Live Speak)
Week 3: Walk It Like You Talk It
Week 4: What The World Offers
Week 5: This Is Real Love (Live Speak)
Week 6: He Loved Us First
Week 7: Living As God's Kids (Recorded For Switch Online Only)
Note: The Week 7 message was originally recorded for Switch Online. Students can watch the service from their homes or meet together to watch it in groups. Switch Guides are not available for Switch Online messages.