Crosstown Reruns
Crosstown Reruns
Welcome to Crosstown—the newest curriculum designed especially for 5-year-olds and Kindergarteners. 

As you work through Crosstown resources, you will notice that each unit has a rerun episode. To make things easy, we will be sharing each of those additional episodes in this resource group. 

Kids’ worship songs "Who You Are", "That’s Why", "My Life His Story", "Greater Is He", "My Friend Jesus", "I Live by Faith", "Who I Wanna Be", "Jesus Is Alive Right Now", "Jesus What A Friend", "Shine a Light", and "I Am Yours" made available by Kids on the Move, the children's ministry of Church on the Move.

Bible stories, Creation (Genesis 1-2), Moses and the Exodus (Exodus 4-14), Moses in the Wilderness (Exodus 14-24), Moses and the Tent of Meeting, Jesus and the Sinful Woman, Peter Walks on Water, Jesus Feeds the 5000, Jesus Washes HIs Disciples' Feet, The Story of Easter (The Triumphal Entry and The Last Supper), and Samson and Delilah made available by Saddleback Kids, the children’s ministry of Saddleback Church and The Story of Adam and Eve, The Story of Jesus, The Woman and the BreadThe Lord Appears to Elijah, Naboth's Vineyard and Puppets: Our Words Have Power! from Kids on the Move, the children's ministry of Church on the Move.

We collaborate with Saddleback Church and Kids on the Move, the children's ministry of Church on the Move, to create this curriculum.

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