How Much? - Loop Show
How Much? - Loop Show

Preteens may struggle with this thought: “There isn’t enough.” Advertisements say, “More. You need MORE. You need the MOST.” That lie is called greed. It is the never-ending pursuit to make our piles of stuff larger and taller. Greed causes our choices to be driven by, “How much do I get?” This two-week series will teach our Loop students how to give like Jesus. We gladly look for small and large opportunities to give daily. If we focus on making a bigger stash of stuff, we’re only blocking our flow of generosity. We’ll help students understand that the full life of Jesus shows us how much God loves us. How much do you get? Everything. How much do you give? Everything. Because how much does God give? Everything. All of it. He loves you deep enough to give you everything you need. That’s how much you’re loved.

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GreedGivingGenerosityGenerousLoopThe Loop ShowPreteens