Jesus Is Near EP
Anthems of hope.
Even before our world began to face an unprecedented season of heartbreak and uncertainty, God had already laid these songs on our hearts. In Jesus Is Near, we proclaim this undeniable truth: no matter how we feel, we are never alone. He gives us hope. God is intimately concerned with every detail of our lives. He's with us in every high and every low. He is near.
Find all the charts, stems, lyrics, and more below!
Even before our world began to face an unprecedented season of heartbreak and uncertainty, God had already laid these songs on our hearts. In Jesus Is Near, we proclaim this undeniable truth: no matter how we feel, we are never alone. He gives us hope. God is intimately concerned with every detail of our lives. He's with us in every high and every low. He is near.
Find all the charts, stems, lyrics, and more below!
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