Represent - Switch

Evangelism should be central to a Christian’s life, and in this series, we'll look at how older kids can share Jesus within their spheres of influence. Help students discover that it's how they live—not what they say—that helps bring Jesus to others. 

In the first week, students can answer a question: Do you want to live a self-centered life (going after your own wants and ambitions), or do you want to live a Christ-centered life (going after what God wants for your life). Once students have made that decision, they’ve set the foundation for the rest of the year. 

In the second week, students will look inward and name the thing that most defines their life. Ultimately, we want to challenge them to represent Christ in the words they speak and the way they act. We want to help them figure out what that looks like for their lives.

The format of this series is a little different from other series. It will be in a vlog format, so videos will look less polished and have more raw footage and rough cuts. This series depicts everyday life—and students are consuming vlogs regularly on YouTube.

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