Going Places - Switch
Going Places - Switch
For the next 5 weeks SWITCH is going places! We are going to Vegas to talk about temptation and going fishing to talk about sharing the gospel. We are also going into darkness to talk about the unknown and into the woods to talk about coming home. Finally, we are going to the desert to talk about being alone. If you think about it, we are all going places. All of us are going some place when we die, but all of us are also going places while we are alive. Have you ever been tempted? Have you ever been too scared to share the gospel or too fearful to take a step of faith? Have you strayed from God and had a hard time finding your way back home? Have you ever felt alone? Most of us have all been to these places in our lives and many times we don't know what to do or how to please God when we find ourselves without answers. SWITCH is going places so you'll want to make sure you take your place in SWITCH!
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