Green - Switch
GREEN communicates growth, health, freshness, soothing, sharing, responsiveness and probably a ton more than we can fit here. However, the main idea we want to communicate during the month of November is what Jesus meant when he talked about The Gardener, The Vine, and The Branches. He was creating a picture of what it takes to live a successful inner life that leads to a successful outer life. Jesus called it abiding or remaining in Him. You see, God is The Gardener, Jesus is The Vine, and we (Christ-followers) are The Branches. A branch can only remain green or healthy when it is connected to The Vine. The Vine is the only true satisfying source of life for a branch. Green typically represents reduce, reuse, recycle. Jesus' concept of Green is more about receive, rejoice, release. It's truly the only way to remain in Him. Going Green is more about being than doing. Let's get ready to learn what it means to live in a moment-by-moment satisfying relationship with Jesus while He teaches us to go Green!
Part 2: Green Week 2
Looking for more? Try these suggestions:
PeaceLoveGoodnessFaithfulnessPatienceJoyFruits of the SpiritGalatians 5GentlenessHappinessKindnessSelf-controlSwitch